return to dentist, dental checkup, dental visit, oral exam, deep cleaning, Salem Creek Family Dental, Murfreesboro TN, Dr. Ashley Costello

What to Expect When You Haven’t Been to the Dentist in a While

September 4, 2024 9:00 am

Life can get busy, and sometimes regular dental visits fall by the wayside. Whether it’s been a few years or just a little longer than usual, you may be wondering what to expect when you finally return to the dentist. Don’t worry—getting back on track with your oral health is easier than you might think. Here’s what you can expect when you visit Salem Creek Family Dental.

1. Thorough Medical and Dental History Review

The first step during your visit will be a review of your medical and dental history. Dr. Ashley Costello or your hygienist will ask if you’ve had any changes in your health or started any new medications. These factors can impact your oral health, so it’s important to provide as much information as possible.

2. Comprehensive Oral Exam

Next, expect a comprehensive exam. This will include a full check of your teeth, gums, and any existing dental work. The dentist will also look for signs of cavities, gum disease, or other oral health concerns. If it’s been a long time since your last visit, this step ensures that any potential problems are caught early. You might also receive a routine oral cancer screening.

3. X-Rays for a Deeper Look

If it’s been more than a year or two since your last set of dental X-rays, your dentist will likely recommend taking new images. X-rays give a clearer picture of any underlying issues like bone loss, hidden decay, or impacted teeth.

4. Deep Cleaning or Scaling

If plaque and tartar have built up over time, a regular cleaning may not be enough. You might need a gingivitis cleaning or deep cleaning (also called non-surgical periodontal therapy) to remove bacteria and tartar below the gum line. This helps treat or prevent gum disease and restore your oral health.

5. Discussion of Future Treatment or Prevention

Once your exam and cleaning are complete, Dr. Costello will discuss any findings with you. Whether you need a follow-up treatment, such as a filling or periodontal care, or advice on how to improve your at-home dental routine, this is your time to ask questions and plan the next steps.

Getting Back on Track at Salem Creek Family Dental in Murfreesboro, TN

At Salem Creek Family Dental in Murfreesboro, TN, Dr. Ashley Costello and her team understand that life happens, and it’s easy to miss a dental visit or two. We’re here to help you get back on track with a welcoming, judgment-free approach. Whether it’s been six months or six years, schedule an appointment with us today and take the first step toward a healthier smile!

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